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تهتم إدارة المشاريع بتخطيط‭ ‬وتصميم‭ ‬وتنفيذ‭ ‬وتشغيل‭ ‬وصيانة‭ ‬المدينة‭ ‬الجامعية،‭ ‬وضمان‭ ‬أعلى‭ ‬درجات‭ ‬السلامة‭ ‬والأمن‭  ‬للمنشآت‭ ‬وللأفراد،‭ ‬مع‭ ‬تقديم‭ ‬دعم‭ ‬فني‭ ‬وتقني‭ ‬لتطوير‭ ‬وتحسين‭ ‬المرافق‭ ‬الأكاديمية‭ ‬والطبية‭ ‬والخدمية،‭ ‬وتحقيق‭ ‬مبادئ‭ ‬التنمية‭ ‬المستدامة‭ ‬لخدمة‭  ‬البيئة‭ ‬والمجتمع‭.‬



College of Applied Engineering

OG Group
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Faculty Members


Student Innovation and Creativity Lab



The lab seeks to be a role model in distinguished student activities at the national and international levels.



Developing students’ creativity and innovations by investing their ideas in different activities in order to prepare them for leadership in different… المزيد


الريادة في التعليم والبحث العلمي في مجالات الحوسبة وتقنية المعرفة.



المساهمة في نقل مجتمعنا إلى المستوى العصري للمعرفة. وذلك من خلال التعليم والبحث العلمي المبتكر في الحوسبة وتقنية المعرفة التي تنمي القدرات التحليلية والمنهجية الإبداعية.


The establishment of the branch of King Saud University in Al-Muzahimiyah came in accordance with the directives of the rulers - may God protect them - with the need to expand higher education in the disciplines that meet the needs of the Kingdom in general and the regions and governorates in particular from qualified scientific cadres with the information and skills needed by the labor market in its public and private sectors.

College of Applied Business Administration

OG Group
You are the group manager

Faculty Members


Student Innovation and Creativity Lab



The lab seeks to be a role model in distinguished student activities at the national and international levels.



Developing students’ creativity and innovations by investing their ideas in different activities in order to prepare them for leadership in different… المزيد


الريادة في التعليم والبحث العلمي في مجالات الحوسبة وتقنية المعرفة.



المساهمة في نقل مجتمعنا إلى المستوى العصري للمعرفة. وذلك من خلال التعليم والبحث العلمي المبتكر في الحوسبة وتقنية المعرفة التي تنمي القدرات التحليلية والمنهجية الإبداعية.


The establishment of the branch of King Saud University in Al-Muzahimiyah came in accordance with the directives of the rulers - may God protect them - with the need to expand higher education in the disciplines that meet the needs of the Kingdom in general and the regions and governorates in particular from qualified scientific cadres with the information and skills needed by the labor market in its public and private sectors.

College of Computer Information sciences

OG Group
You are the group manager

Faculty Members


Student Innovation and Creativity Lab



The lab seeks to be a role model in distinguished student activities at the national and international levels.



Developing students’ creativity and innovations by investing their ideas in different activities in order to prepare them for leadership in different… المزيد


الريادة في التعليم والبحث العلمي في مجالات الحوسبة وتقنية المعرفة.



المساهمة في نقل مجتمعنا إلى المستوى العصري للمعرفة. وذلك من خلال التعليم والبحث العلمي المبتكر في الحوسبة وتقنية المعرفة التي تنمي القدرات التحليلية والمنهجية الإبداعية.


The establishment of the branch of King Saud University in Al-Muzahimiyah came in accordance with the directives of the rulers - may God protect them - with the need to expand higher education in the disciplines that meet the needs of the Kingdom in general and the regions and governorates in particular from qualified scientific cadres with the information and skills needed by the labor market in its public and private sectors.

Deanship of the Common First Year and Basic Sciences

Faculty Members


Student Innovation and Creativity Lab



The lab seeks to be a role model in distinguished student activities at the national and international levels.



Developing students’ creativity and innovations by investing their ideas in different activities in order to prepare them for leadership in different… المزيد


الريادة في التعليم والبحث العلمي في مجالات الحوسبة وتقنية المعرفة.



المساهمة في نقل مجتمعنا إلى المستوى العصري للمعرفة. وذلك من خلال التعليم والبحث العلمي المبتكر في الحوسبة وتقنية المعرفة التي تنمي القدرات التحليلية والمنهجية الإبداعية.


The establishment of the branch of King Saud University in Al-Muzahimiyah came in accordance with the directives of the rulers - may God protect them - with the need to expand higher education in the disciplines that meet the needs of the Kingdom in general and the regions and governorates in particular from qualified scientific cadres with the information and skills needed by the labor market in its public and private sectors.

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