Pioneering the basic sciences and their applications to build a knowledge society, providing a stimulating research environment to develop the best competencies in the fields of scientific research, and preparing distinguished research that enriches theoretical and applied knowledge, and meets the needs of various sectors of society.
Providing advanced study programs and research projects in basic sciences and their applications that contribute to providing the community with knowledge and trained cadres through a stimulating environment for learning, education and creative scientific research while ensuring continuous quality and optimal use of technology, and building an effective community partnership.
- Continuous ambition for educational and research excellence.
Expanding human knowledge and understanding.
Excellence with integrity and the belief that nothing is impossible.
Work as a team, help each other and sacrifice for common goals.
Concentrate the college's energy and resources to foster cutting-edge and innovative research that faces real challenges.
Belief in human ability and creativity.
Strengthening creativity in our graduates.
Promote individual and institutional integrity